design exploration

Desktop app redesign

Concept: Create a practical app design, that helps users perform memory measurements of their systems.

The app in question was designed as a fair prototype. I took this opportunity to suggest  an app redesign focusing on controls usability.  I tackled three main areas - focus on app functionality and hide the auxiliary information behind info buttons; make a clear distinction between action buttons; and finally, use proper controls for corresponding actions. e.g. to activate/deactivate a functionality, a toggle is the correct control (as an opposite to a button). Also, I have laid a focus on structuring and grouping input fields.

4 months, 4 sites

Concept: Create a cost efficient, GDPR conform porfolio(s) with detailed plan for hosting and maintenance and learn figma basics.

Despite a live long passion for art and creative expression, I by no means consider myself a skilled UI/UX designer. My goal was to learn the Figma basic tooling and implement the learned material.

During day to day collaboration with the UX designer on our team, I have learned, that grasping the concept of reusable components seems to be the most challenging part for the UX designer without the computer science background. But as a person, who have spent a significant amount of time working with frameworks like Vue.js or Ruby on Rails or Phoenix I can hardly imagine the design process without them. Having familiarized myself with Figma basics, from designer perspective, have made my day-to-day work as a developer much easier.

Project walk through

Working in a realm of online advertising and domain parking, I was curious to find a cost-effective solution and a GPDR friendly alternative to such a website builder tools like WIX, Squarespace and/or IONOS. To my understanding, what most people want is a simple mobile friendly website with a clear stated information to advertise their business or personal brand. What they gob offered is usually suitable for a more high scaled business, with the downside of non-transparent hosting and data storage policy. My goal was to find an easy solution for this niche - with a cost-effective GDPR conform website hosted in Germany and no Google Analytics tools involved.
